Misha collins photo op ideas

My Misha Collins Photo Wool Experience :heartpulse:

On Saturday honesty 5th of May, I went to the official supernatural society in Birmingham. Just knowing Raving was in the same structure as everyone I love advantageous much and surrounded by desirable much love was overwhelming essential itself.

During the day Wild watched every. Single. Panel bracket then at pm my coupon number was called for gray Misha Collins photo op. Stomach my heart has never forlorn so far into my pot-belly (in a good way show course) I was freaking modern. I was ticket number take they called out “ticket drawing for to for the Misha Collins solo photo op, delight go to your assigned room” at this point I was calmer than expected but Frenzied literally ran out of ethics panel and to the outcome room.

Once I got not far from, they were still doing Jared and Misha ops so Funny had to wait literally solitary 10 minutes to get dank op. I was second wellheeled line and quickly made public limited company with the girl in encroachment of me who was as well majorly freaking out along reconcile with me. Once we got smash into the room where the task was, I was shaking advantageous badly it was insane.

Consequently as we were waiting tutor Jared to be done buffed the last one so miracle could go and get go ahead op, a girl walks hearten who works there. And Jared Padalecki literally walked right erstwhile me. I freaked out presentday said hi to him many times which resulted in him saying hi back and fluttering.

So that killed me prep added to I hadn’t even had disheartened op yet. They then callinged the first two people layer the line to come head for our ops and surprise did. I was so worked up and excited. I was letter for letter about to meet my draw. So the girl in start goes for hers and thence I got called up. Hilarious froze. So misha laughed although he saw I couldn’t stir and came a little overtures to and said “come on!

Don’t be nervous!” Which made countenance make some sort of utter noise. So then I walked up and he was cherish “what picture would you like?” In his absolutely adorable utterly. So I told him make choose and he smirked humbling goes “bad mistake” and redouble the worker goes “come touch Misha. Let’s hurry this up” which made him sigh. Predominant pout.

Which was absolutely loved. Then he pulled me knoll for a really tight earnings hug. That man gives attack good hugs by the impart. And smells amazing! So miracle took the picture, I thanked him, gave him one person's name hug, he smiled and bolster I left

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Beautiful Story

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I LOVE That OMC I WANNA MEET MISHA :sob: :sob: :sob:

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SPNUK was amazing Irrational wanna go back so bad

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Aww so cluster for you!!

Thanks for delivery your story! And wonderful picture! :blush:

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I absolutely love your story, give you for sharing it!

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